Couples & Family Therapy
Couples Therapy
Couples therapy is focused on helping partners to build a healthier and more satisfying relationship. Goals may include improving communication, tackling a new problem or challenge, building on positive changes that have already been started, or trying to regain footing during a significant low point. Couples therapy provides an environment that is free from judgment; the therapist will not ‘take sides’. Sometimes couples therapy focusses on a very specific desired outcome, and at other times couples may not know where to begin. Your therapist will help you to find mutually agreed upon goals and support you as you begin moving toward those goals.
Family Therapy
Family therapy involves multiple members of a family working together in sessions to create meaningful change. Goals in family therapy may be to improve communication, create a healthier family dynamic, adjust to and cope with a significant change or transition, or to maintain positive changes that have already begun. Your therapist will help all members of your family to set goals, facilitate productive discussion, and acknowledge one another’s efforts. Family therapy is never about ‘fixing’ one member of a family. It focusses on how all participants can improve relationships with one another.